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As 2024 draws to a close, groundbreaking advancements have defined the year, spanning medicine, space exploration, and ancient history.
Here are the top discoveries:
1. HIV Prevention Breakthrough
The drug lenacapavir, used as an HIV preventative, achieved stunning success in trials,
with up to 100% efficacy. Administered biannually as an injection, it targets HIV’s capsid
protein and could revolutionize treatment while inspiring broader vaccine development.
2. Mapping a Fly Brain
After a decade, scientists unveiled a complete map of a fruit fly’s brain, detailing
140,000 neurons and millions of synaptic connections. This 3D model offers insights into
human memory and decision-making processes.
3. New Habitable Planet Found
NASA discovered TOI-715 b, a “super-Earth” in a habitable zone 137 light-years away.
Potentially supporting liquid water, this discovery sparks hopes of finding life beyond
4. Human and Neanderthal Interbreeding Timeline
Genetic studies pinpointed that humans and Neanderthals interbred between 50,500
and 43,500 years ago, living alongside each other in Eurasia for about 7,000 years.
5. CRISPR Meets AI
AI-powered CRISPR gene editing promises greater precision. Open-source technology
like OpenCRISPR-1 could make genetic therapies safer and more accessible.
6. Alzheimer’s Blood Test
A new blood test achieved over 90% accuracy in detecting Alzheimer’s disease, offering
a simpler, faster diagnostic tool compared to current methods.
7. Oldest Fossilized Reptile Skin
The discovery of 20-million-year-old reptile skin provides rare insights into the evolution
of scales, highlighting their remarkable consistency over time.
8. New Moons Discovered
Astronomers identified three new moons orbiting Neptune and Uranus, the faintest yet
observed using advanced imaging.
9. South American Cave Art
Researchers uncovered 8,200-year-old Patagonian cave paintings, offering a glimpse
into ancient human culture spanning over 100 generations.