Gupta, OCFP

Video Presentation by Dr. Anil Gupta – Treating COVID-19 Infection Early Investigator Dr. Anil Gupta was recently asked to assist in the presentation of strategies for preventing COVID progression and transmission in the outpatient setting, including the latest therapeutic developments. This effort was supported by an educational grant from Merck Sharp & Dohme Corp. The presentation linked below will define the sub-populations that are most Investigator Published in the New England Journal of Medicine

Earlier this year, we reported on the positive findings of a Covid-19 treatment study, conducted by lead study author and JoinAStudy Investigator Dr. Anil Gupta. We are now proud to highlight that as of November 18, 2021 this research has been published in the prestigious New England Journal of Medicine. It is among the most reputable peer-reviewed medical

Avillion Asthma Trial Demonstrates Significant Benefits for Asthma Patients

London, UK, 9 September 2021 – Avillion LLP, a drug development company focused on the co-development and financing of pharmaceutical candidates, has announced positive high-level results from the MANDALA and DENALI Phase III trials of a new, fixed-dose combination inhaler for those who suffer from asthma. Investigators Dr. Syed Anees, Dr. Peter Dzongowski, Dr. Anil Gupta, Dr. Sam Henein and Dr. Sean

Dr. Sam Henein Interviewed in Local Newspaper for his Work with Alzheimer’s Disease

Approximately 550,000 Canadians suffer from the neurodegenerative disease known as Alzheimer’s Disease, which is also the cause of 60% to 70% of cases of dementia. This disease is associated with symptoms such as memory loss, difficulty performing simple tasks, disorientation of time and space, and even sudden changes in mood or personality. It is a