Health and wellness advice, facts, and tips for living a well-balanced and comfortable lifestyle.

Dr. Sam Henein Interviewed in Local Newspaper for his Work with Alzheimer’s Disease

Approximately 550,000 Canadians suffer from the neurodegenerative disease known as Alzheimer’s Disease, which is also the cause of 60% to 70% of cases of dementia. This disease is associated with symptoms such as memory loss, difficulty performing simple tasks, disorientation of time and space, and even sudden changes in mood or personality. It is a

cardiovascular - symptoms of heart attack, heart failure

The Common Heart Attack Symptoms You Shouldn’t Ignore

If something was wrong with your heart, would you know? Unfortunately, not all heart problems come with clearly recognizable symptoms. Though you might think of someone clutching their chest before they drop to the floor—like in a movie—it doesn’t always happen that way. In fact, heart-related symptoms don’t even necessarily manifest in the chest. If