Health and wellness advice, facts, and tips for living a well-balanced and comfortable lifestyle.

Reduce Chronic Inflammation with Nutritional Tips and Natural Remedies

Inflammation is often made out to be the bad guy, but it’s actually a crucial part of your body’s immune system response—one you couldn’t live without. We’ve all experienced inflammation at some point or another. It’s what causes the redness and swelling that appears around a mosquito bite, or the tender, soft skin that appears when

Arthritis Exercises

Arthritis In Your Hands: 7 Exercises To Help Alleviate Symptoms

If you suffer from arthritis, you probably know that it can cause uncomfortable stiffness and pain in the joints. Symptoms of arthritis affect approximately one in six Canadians and include: inflammation tenderness irritation achy joints limited range of motion   If you don’t have arthritis, in all likelihood you know someone who does. Arthritis can