Health and wellness advice, facts, and tips for living a well-balanced and comfortable lifestyle.
Your doctor may suggest replacement surgery, if stiffness and pain in either your knee or your hip make it difficult for you to perform simple, everyday tasks. Hip and knee replacement surgeries are a last resort for people over 50 who suffer from severe osteoarthritis and are no longer having success with other treatments. Read
If you suffer from arthritis, you probably know that it can cause uncomfortable stiffness and pain in the joints. Symptoms of arthritis affect approximately one in six Canadians and include: inflammation tenderness irritation achy joints limited range of motion If you don’t have arthritis, in all likelihood you know someone who does. Arthritis can
An asthma attack, also known as an asthma flare up, is associated with symptoms such as coughing, wheezing, severe shortness of breath or chest tightness and pain. Asthma attacks (James T C Li, M.D., Ph.D. , are caused by inflammation and swelling in the airways and narrowing of the airways. During an asthma attack, mucus is release in your
When it comes to treating migraines, most people rely on medication. It’s a proven way to relieve migraine pain and lessen the frequency and severity of migraines in the long-term. But medication is only one approach. There are other lifestyle and behavioural changes you can make to both cope with acute migraine pain and prevent
Do you tend to cough and hack in the morning, just after you wake up? Or, perhaps you’ve noticed an unusual sensation of pressure in your chest? If so, it may be time to see a doctor. It’s important to be able to recognize the symptoms of asthma, a chronic disease which affects more than
If you find yourself consistently suffering from pain, it will start to take a toll on your mental and physical well-being. Pain can affect your ability to sleep at night, your relationship with your spouse, children, friends, and colleagues, your posture, and mobility, and when all is said and done, your ability to function. Pain can
Testing your blood sugar is an essential part of treating and managing your diabetes. Being able to quickly determine your blood sugar level lets you know if your blood sugar level is above or below the target range. This will help you to better manage your disease, help to prevent diabetic complications, and may prevent
The Canadian Pain Society reports that 20% of all Canadians—one in five—suffer from chronic pain. Up to half of those people suffer from osteoarthritis, a disease which affects more than three million Canadians. The staggering costs associated with lost productivity, related health conditions, and medical treatments amount to hundreds of billions of dollars
Living with diabetes is a challenge that affects many people every day. That challenge also brings about many common diabetes questions, most of which you can find the answers to in this diabetes FAQ. Getting answers to your questions can ease the overwhelming feelings of stress and help you to take the proper steps to improve
Pain is the body’s way of telling us that something isn’t right. It can be mild or intense. It can appear suddenly or gradually, over time. For some people, pain is intermittent. For others, it’s constant. Long-term pain is a difficult reality that disables thousands of people—more than heart disease or cancer—every single day. Lower